Thursday 26 May 2011

Interaction and Impact of Levels of Industry

Aquaculture goes from primary to secondary to tertiary to even quaternary industries. The primary level is the actual process of catching fish. The secondary level is when the fish is processed to be suitable for the tertiary industries. There are many fish processing plants. The main concern of processing fish is to prevent them from decaying/deteriorating. Prevention strategies include control of temperature (refrigeration or freezing). Others also include keeping the fish vacuum packed, so they are oxygen deprived. Most of the time more than one method is used. The tertiary level is when the fish reach supermarkets and grocery stores to serve as food for people. There are many stores and workers that need fish for the liveliness of their businesses. Since there is a very high demand for ready-made fish or fish products that need little preparation, there is research being done to see how such products can be made while maintaining their taste and quality. In this way the chain goes on. These interactions within levels of industries can impact in developing the natural resource because the quaternary industry requires more fish to research and develop different kinds of ways to use the fish products; but at the same time tertiary industries also need fish to run their businesses, which requires more fish overall and not enough time to reproduce.

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